Our Communities
ARTISAN Capital Group presently owns and manages market-rate multi-family and student housing communities across eight states. Our market-rate strategy is Midwest-focused, while our student housing acquisition plan is national. With that focus, we pride ourselves in identifying prime investment opportunities that fit well into our hands-on asset management approach.

- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
Billion AUM
We are proud to have a growing number of communities within our portfolio and with this growth we continue to meet our goal of additional diversification. We invite you to click on our featured properties below to view information on each. You can also click on the tabs below to view each of our properties and accompanying details within each state.
- Featured
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
Equinox Apartments St. Anthony, MN
College Town Oxford Oxford, MS
Alice Patricia Apartments Waukee, IA
Edenbridge Tinley Park, IL
The Parker @ Seventh Des Moines, IA
Georgetown Apartments Merriam, KS
The Banks Coralville, IA
Rock Ridge Commons Moline, IL
Foxfire West Apartments Evansville, IN
Lakewood West Apartments Evansville, IN
The Arbors at Red Bank Evansville, IN
2700 Lincoln Ames, IA
Cambridge Court Apartments West Des Moines, IA
Cityville Des Moines, IA
Country Hill Cedar Rapids, IA
Crescent Lofts Davenport, IA
Eastwood on Grand West Des Moines, IA
Elm Village Urbandale, IA
Gateway Lofts Des Moines, IA
Ingersoll Square Des Moines, IA
Johnston Gardens Johnston, IA
Park @ Nine23 Cedar Falls, IA
Regency Heights Apartment Homes Iowa City, IA
South Meadow Ames, IA
Sterling Pointe Apartments Johnston, IA
The Foundry Ames, IA
Trilein Village Ankeny, IA
Valley View Apartments Cedar Rapids, IA
Wakonda Village Des Moines, IA
Westwood Apartments West Des Moines, IA
Eagle Ridge Apartments Lawrence, KS
Union Flats & Townhomes Lawrence, KS
Elevate Student Living Portfolio Springfield, MO
Wildewood Commons Ralston, NE
Canyon Flats Apartments Reno, NV
ARTISAN KC Portfolio Kansas City, MO

Equinox Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 266
- Address: St. Anthony, MN
- Website: https://www.equinoxapartmenthomes.com/

College Town Oxford
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: University of Mississippi
- # of Units: 268
- # of Beds: 1018
- Address: Oxford, MS
- Website: https://www.collegetownoxford.com/

Alice Patricia Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 288
- Address: Waukee, IA
- Website: https://www.rentalicepatricia.com

- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 309
- Address: Tinley Park, IL
- Website: https://www.edenbridgeapartments.com

The Parker @ Seventh
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 158
- Address: Des Moines, IA
- Website: https://www.theparkeratseventh.com/

Georgetown Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 395
- Address: Merriam, KS
- Website: https://www.kcgeorgetownapartments.com/

The Banks
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: The University of Iowa
- # of Units: 303
- # of Beds: 663
- Address: Coralville, IA
- Website: https://thebanksiowa.com/

Rock Ridge Commons
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 216
- Address: Moline, IL
- Website: https://www.rockridgecommons.com/

Foxfire West Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 133
- Address: Evansville, IN
- Website: https://www.foxfirewestapts.com

Lakewood West Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 121
- Address: Evansville, IN
- Website: https://www.lakewoodwestapts.com

The Arbors at Red Bank
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 89
- Address: Evansville, IN
- Website: https://www.evansvillearbors.com

2700 Lincoln
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: Iowa State University
- # of Units: 177
- # of Beds: 537
- Address: Ames, IA

- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 298
- Address: Ames, IA
- Notes: Gateway Hills, Maple Glen, The Phoenix, Riverbirch, South Oak
- Website: https://www.artisanamesapts.com

Cambridge Court Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 192
- Address: West Des Moines, IA
- Website: http://www.cambridgecourtwdm.com

- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 312
- Address: Des Moines, IA
- Website: http://www.cityvilledm.com

Country Hill
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 96
- Address: Cedar Rapids, IA
- Website: https://www.rentcountryhill.com

Crescent Lofts
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 177
- Address: Davenport, IA
- Notes: 4th Street, 5th Street, Davenport, Kerker, and Waterloo
- Website: https://www.crescentlofts.com

Eastwood on Grand
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 222
- Address: West Des Moines, IA
- Website: https://www.renteastwoodongrand.com

Elm Village
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 104
- Address: Urbandale, IA
- Website: https://www.rentelmvillageurbandale.com

Gateway Lofts
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 80
- Address: Des Moines, IA
- Website: https://www.rentgatewaylofts.com

Ingersoll Square
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 180
- Address: Des Moines, IA
- Website: https://www.ingersollsquare.com

Johnston Gardens
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 72
- Address: Johnston, IA
- Website: https://www.rentjohnstongardens.com

Park @ Nine23
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 424
- Address: Cedar Falls, IA
- Website: https://www.parkatnine23.com/

Regency Heights Apartment Homes
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 75
- Address: Iowa City, IA
- Website: https://www.rentwestwoodapartments.com

South Meadow
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 182
- Address: Ames, IA
- Website: https://www.artisanamesapts.com

Sterling Pointe Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 252
- Address: Johnston, IA
- Website: https://www.rentsterlingpointe.com

The Foundry
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: Iowa State University
- # of Units: 53
- # of Beds: 144
- Address: Ames, IA
- Website: https://www.foundrystudentliving.com/

Trilein Village
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 54
- Address: Ankeny, IA
- Website: https://www.renttrileinvillage.com/

Valley View Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 92
- Address: Cedar Rapids, IA
- Website: https://www.rentvalleyviewapts.com/

Wakonda Village
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 382
- Address: Des Moines, IA
- Website: https://www.wakondavillage.com/

Westwood Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 132
- Address: West Des Moines, IA

Eagle Ridge Apartments
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 148
- Address: Lawrence, KS
- Website: https://www.eagleridgeku.com

Union Flats & Townhomes
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 254
- Address: Lawrence, KS
- Website: https://www.unionflatsandtownhomes.com/

Elevate Student Living Portfolio
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: Missouri State University
- # of Units: 172
- # of Beds: 402
- Address: Springfield, MO
- Notes: 800 South, Deep Elm, The Jefferson, and The Qube
- Website: https://elevatemostate.com

Wildewood Commons
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 180
- Address: Ralston, NE
- Website: https://www.wildewoodcommons.com/

Canyon Flats Apartments
- Property Type: Student Housing
- University: University of Nevada, Reno
- # of Units: 158
- # of Beds: 508
- Address: Reno, NV
- Website: https://canyonflatsreno.com/

ARTISAN KC Portfolio
- Property Type: Market-Rate
- # of Units: 369
- Address: Kansas City, MO
- Notes: Broadway Lofts, Emery Lofts, Library Lofts, and Stuart Hall
- Website: https://www.artisankcapts.com